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Chapter News, Events and Activities

Why We Join DAR
Some of us love helping others and find that DAR offers opportunities for supporting local communities. Others find that DAR is a great way to honor their ancestors and learn more about family history. The DAR is a wonderful place to make new friends and preserve our heritage for future generations.

Heart photo courtesy Puwadon Sang-ngern,


Our Atlanta Chapter, NSDAR, members participate in a multitude of projects to help preserve our cultural heritage.

  • ​Provision of patriotic educational materials and flags to schools or other groups.

  • Promotion of the DAR Youth Citizenship Medal and the DAR Good Citizens award program.

  • Copying thousands of American Revolutionary War and other genealogical records.

  • Support the U.S. Armed Forces personnel by supporting the United Service Organizations (USO) and sending packages to the deployed service personnel.

  • Since 2013, served home-cooked meals to military service personnel through the SHARE military initiative.

  • Support of Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) programs through recognition and scholarships.

  • Contribution of monies and personal time to Veteran-Patient Services.

  • Scholarly pursuit of historical research resulting in published papers.

  • Sponsorship of events to heighten the awareness of Constitution Week.

  • Support activities of American History Month.

  • Provision of leadership on both the state and national levels.

Activities section photos courtesy of chapter members.


All are welcome to attend our meetings, even if you are not a member of DAR.


Our meetings are held in the Buckhead area of Atlanta on the second Saturday of each month from September through May at 10:30 a.m. Social time starts at 10 a.m. For specific meeting information, dates, and locations, please e-mail our chapter using our contact form.

Medal photo courtesy of chapter member.

Visit our National site:

Visit our Georgia site:

Last Update: June 30, 2024

Our Mission: The mission of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) is to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism.

Our Motto: God, Home, and Country.

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR. Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.

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