Atlanta Chapter, NSDAR
Atlanta, Georgia
Chapter Patriots

Members in the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, NSDAR, have proven a direct line from someone who gave service to our country in the American Revolutionary War. Our chapter patriots are listed by state of service and their rank.
If your Patriot is not listed, please contact us.
Abbreviations for Patriot Service Ranks:
The key to the rank/service is below. 
Civil Service
Lieutenant Colonel
Non-Commissioned Officer
Patriotic Service
Sergeant Major
​Note: An “X” is used when part of a name is unknown or not proven.
American War Cemetery photo courtesy
Continental Line
Pressley Mountford Boley, PVT
Jacob Ainsworth, PVT
Reuben Clark, ENS
Zeba Cowles, PVT
Benjamin Hall, PVT
Oliver Hammond, SOL
Ebenezer Hill, CAPT
Titus Hull, SOL
Riverius Russell, PVT
Samuel Shelley, NONCOM
John Worden, PVT, PS

Joseph Hedges, SOL
John Williams, SOL
Robert Astin, SOL
Thomas Bacon, SOL
Nathaniel Barnett, PVT, PS
Larkin Clark, SOL
Thomas Johnson, PS
Holland Middleton, PS
John Milner, SOL
Daniel E. Phillips, SOL
James Pitman, LT
Isom Sherling, SOL
Thomas Snelson, PVT
Mathieu Devaux Dit Platillo, SOL
Burch Allison, PVT, GRD
George Dent, CAPT, PS
Barton Dyson, PVT, PS
James Higgins, PVT, CS, PS
William Roach, PVT
Philip Sallada, PVT, PS
Stephen Stanford, PVT
Joseph Thompson, SOL, PS
Isaac Walker, LT, PS
John Ward, LT
Nathan Babbitt Sr, PVT
Jonathan Baker, PS
Elijah Bardwell, LT
Thomas Herrick Cole SGT
Elisha Cousins, SGT, CS, PS
Jonathan Eddy, COL
Timothy Fisher, PVT
Joseph Freethy, CPL
Samuel Gilmore, PVT
Toby Gilmore, PVT
Benoni Haskins, ENS
Samuel Hillman, PS
Abraham Lord, PS
Joshua Maddox, PVT
Benjamin Markham, CS
Reuben Martin, PVT
Benjamin Maxwell, LT
William Reed Sr, CAPT
James Richardson, PVT
Abraham Somes, LT
David Walker, PS
Noah Wilson, PVT
Josiah Wright, PVT
New Hampshire
Isaac Brown, PVT
John Folsom, PVT
New Jersey
Henry Arnett, PVT
George Beaver, MAJ
Joseph Beaver, COL, PS
Edward Cobb, SGT, PS
Benjamin Jackson, SGT
Reuel Sayre, LT
Shubel Trowbridge, PVT
New York
Henry Arnett, PVT
James Burt, SGT
Joseph Coleman, PS
John Hulslander, PVT
Jacob I. Klock, ENS
Ephraim Marvin, ADJ, CS, PS
Benjamin Paine, SGT
Johannes Schermerhorn, SOL
Abel Tanner, PVT
Edward Tanner, PVT
Theophilus Sweet, LT
George Wagner, PVT
John Weed, PVT
John Worden, PVT, PS
North Carolina
William Alexander, CAPT
Harmon Bagley, SOL
John Bankston, SOL
Thomas Bazemore, SOL, PS
Thomas Bentley, PS
Alexander Blackshear, PS
John Boddie, PS
John Bost, SOL
Robert Brashear, PS
John Brockman, PS
Edward Cook, PVT
James Daniels, PS
Barton Dyson, PVT, PS
Thomas Farrar, LT
Benjamin Fordham, Jr., PS
Aaron Freeman, PS
John Freeman, CS, PS
George Graham, LT
William Gober Sr, PS
Joseph Harrison, PVT
Peter Hatton, CS
Ezekiel Henderson, SOL
William Henry, SOL
Dietrich Heviner, CS
Jacob Highsmith, SOL
James Hogg, PS
Thomas Huntley, PS
James Jack, PS
Abraham S. Lane, SOL
James Lanier, CS, PS
Thomas Lee, CAPT
James Maynard, PVT
Andrew Mcclary, PVT
Matthew Mcclure, CS, PS
Avington Mcelroy, PVT
Daniel Mckenney, SGT, PS
Samuel Mcmurray, SOL
Benjamin Merrill, PVT
John Merrill, LT
Benjamin Merritt, PS
John Miner, PS
James Morgan, PS
Perminter Morgan, PS
Nathan Murray, PVT
Christian Overshine, PS

Thomas Phillips, PVT
John Jacob Pirkle, PS
James Powell, PVT, PS
Kedor Powell, CS
Ann Haden Prior, PS
Haden Prior, PS
James Roddy, CAPT
Josiah Hill Rogers, CAPT, CS
John Roper, PVT
John Sheffield, PS
Colesby Smith, SOL, PS
Sutton Trulock, PVT
Jacob Van Hook, SGT
Richard Whitehurst, PVT
Johan Phillip Crouse, PVT
George Espy, PVT
Peter Feag, PVT
John Fenstermacher, PVT
George Geller, PVT
John Hermany, SGT
John William Hess, ENS
Jacob Hosch, PS
John Peter Keim, PS
Anthony Kelker, LT, PS
Anna X King, PS
Samual King, PS
Godfrey Knauss, CAPT
John Lesher, CS, PS
George McConnell, PS
John Mchatton, CAPT, PS
Robert Patten, PVT
Casper Snaveley, PS
Sabina X Snaveley, PS
John Adam Strohecker, SGT
Peter Suplee, PVT
David Wharry Sr, PS
Isaac Wiseman, PS
Lewis Wysong, PVT
Rhode Island
Nathaniel Fales Sr, CS
William Throop, CAPT
South Carolina
Solomon Abbott, PVT
John Boland, PS
Thomas Bonner, SOL
Francis Boykin, CAPT
James Butler, CAPT, PS
David Nunez Cardoza, SGM, PS
William DeWitt, CS, PS
James Dowling, PVT
Thomas Farrar, LT
Christopher Gadson, BGEN, PS
William Gardner, PVT
Robert Herriott, COL, PS
Joseph Koger, SOL
Benjamin Kolb, SOL, PS
Aaron Lockhart, LT, PS
Robert McIlrath, SOL, PS
Benjamin Merrill, PVT
Thomas Mobley, PS
Samuel Murray, PVT, PS
Drury Pace, CAPT
William Hall Parker, SOL
Aaron Prescott, SOL, CS
Fleming Smith, PVT
Thomas Snelson, PVT
George Story, Sr., CS
John Story, SOL
George Turner, PS
William Watson, PS
David Weir, PVT
Joel Butler, PVT
Isaac Hale, PVT
Eli Roberts, PVT, PS
Roger Abbott, PVT
James Allen, Sr., PS
Robert Armstrong, PS
John Atkins, SGT
John Atkinson, PVT
Samuel Atkinson, PS
John Bays, PS
Augustine Berry, PVT
Reuben Blankenship, PVT
Joseph Ballenger Bond, PS
Nathan Bond Sr, PS
William Bradford, PVT
Patrick Butler, PVT
Mathew Cabaness, PS
John Capp, PS
John Chastain, PS
Robert Clendenin, SOL, CS, PS
Jeremiah Cloud, PVT
Abraham Compton, SOL
Charles Cornelius, CPL
David Cornett SOL
Andrew Creswell, PVT
Henry Creswell, PS
Rawley Duncan, CS
Edward Eanes, PVT
John Ezell, PVT
Samuel Ferguson, ENS, PS
James Ferrill, PVT
Gibson Flournoy, PS
Reuben Ford, PS
WIlliam Haley, SOL
William Hill, SOL
Stephen Ham, PVT, PS
John Hancock, PS
James Harris, PS
Henry Jeter, LT
Henry E. Jordan, PVT
Andrew Kincannon, CAPT
Samuel Lane, PVT
Christopher Liner, PVT
Thomas Logwood, CAPT, PS
Reuben Long, LT
William C. Longley, PVT
Robert Love, LT, PS
James Malcolm, SOL
Joseph Meadows, PVT
James Nall, SOL
Walter Neal, PS
James Overstreet, LT
Jesse Owen, CAPT, PS
Robert Paine, PVT
Thomas Paine, Jr., PVT
Thomas Paine, Sr., PS
Jeremiah Pate, CAPT
William Pearman, PS
William Pentecost, PVT
James Pitman, LT
William Powers, PVT
George Prince, CAPT
Little Page Proctor, PVT, PS
John Rowsey, PVT
James Scott, CAPT
James Shaddock, PVT, CS
Walter Stallard, PS
Frederick Stearns, PS
Michael Swope, PS
George Taffe, PVT
Edmund Terrell, CAPT
Joshua Wade, PVT
Christopher Walthall, PS
John Wansley, PVT
Joseph Warren, PS
Dudley Williams, PS
Henry Willis, PS
Ephraim Witcher, PS
Agness X. Wood, PS
John Wood, PVT
Robert Woods, CAPT, CS, PS
Aaron Woosley, PVT
Atlanta Chapter, NSDAR, Founding Members' Patriots
John Berrien, CAPT, Georgia
Peter Van Burgh Livingston, PS, New York
Roger Johnson, MAJ, Maryland
Roger Johnson, MAJ, Maryland
Jane Meriwether, Virginia
Jeromus Remsen, COL, New York
Francis Cummins, SOL, PS, North Carolina
John Cook, CAPT, CS, South Carolina
Ebenezer Fain, PVT, North Carolina, Virginia
James Jackson, LCOL, Georgia